Many insurance claims tend to be fairly standard and straight-forward. But there are some that be quite specific beyond the typical auto, home, or business insurance.
Many insurance claims tend to be fairly standard and straight-forward. But there are some that be quite specific beyond the typical auto, home, or business insurance.
Established in 1967, we are a full service insurance agency serving Southern Maryland and Virginia.
We offer a full range of insurance products
and services for both business and
personal insurance coverage.
Our agency represents some of the most highly
rated companies offering personal
and commercial insurance.
Member: Independent Insurance Agents of America, Inc
85 Sherry Lane
Suite 2B
Prince Frederick
2953 Kings Mill Rd.
P.O. Box 128
Kinsale, VA 22488
Copyright © 2014 Glascock & Meenan Insurance Agency — Established in 1967. All Rights Reserved.