Are Your Employees Driving Distracted?
Are Your Employees Driving Distracted?
Multi-tasking is a myth. The human brain cannot actually perform two functions at the same time.
Instead, it switches from one task to other very quickly. Even though the change may only take milliseconds, it takes the brain time to come up to speed on the new task.
What does this have to do with driving? It’s simple. Trying to do more than one thing while behind the wheel of an automobile means you will perform neither very well. Even worse, it means that your reaction time in an emergency situation will be increased dramatically.
Talking on a cell phone (hands-free or not) increases your risk of being in an accident by a factor of four.
Distracted driving is now the number-one cause of deaths on the job.
Every employer that has employees on the road should have a distracted-driving policy in place — and it should be understood and enforced.
According to the Society for Human Resource Management: “Organizations that fail to create and enforce policies prohibiting employees from using their phones while driving put workers in jeopardy and increase employer liability.”
Here are two key questions to help you create – and enforce – a policy within your company… Read More